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 Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species

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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
Ink Muse

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PostSubject: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 10:18 pm

This is not a World War.. at least not the kind we were expecting.

Humankind has always believed that Earth is their home, that it was put here to shelter, protect and nurture them. But what if the creation of human beings was, in fact, a mistake? A very big mistake. What if Mother Earth had intended for all creatures to be equal, live among each other is symbiotic harmony? Was human kind created with that intention in mind? If so, it's easy to see how far astray they have gone. Humans are the dictators of planet Earth, the sometimes cruel leaders of the other species. They mindlessly slaughter the other species of animals without any restriction and uproot plants to make room for big cities and roadways. For centuries, Mother Earth has sat back and watched the destruction humans brought to her, but could not bring herself to end the suffering.. for humans were her children just like all other creatures and killing off the humans would make her just as cruel as they were. In the year 2017, Earth finally took action.

Why this year in particular though? Well, this year the International Domestication Project (IDP) began. The IDP originated in the Americas but soon the entire world was getting involved in the vigorous project. The goal of the IDP was to domesticate all animals which were a threat to humankind, thus ending the violent attacks from bears, lions, sharks, etc. world wide. This was too much for Mother Earth to handle, and she knew instantly that the humans had to be stopped. But how? The humans had become so advanced that there was no way of stopping them without destroying the innocent plants and animals who shared the planet with them.

There was one option.. but it could prove to be extremely risky.. creation of a new species, one that was stronger and smarter than the humans. Mother Earth called them Terras, meaning 'Earth' in Latin, the original human language of the planet which had died hundreds of years ago. She created only a hundred of these Terras, for she knew what would happen if they too got out of hand. Mother Earth spoke to the Terras and told them what needed to be done. They looked up to her as a god-like figure and obeyed her with uttermost respect. Slowly, the human population began to drop...

And this is where our story begins.


In this roleplay you can play as either a Terra, a human or an animal who aiding the Terras. All animals can communicate with each other but humans cannot communicate with animals because they have lost their native language. Terras can speak to animals. If you are playing as a Terra, at this point in the roleplay you will be undercover as a human trying to learn more about the species or an assassin. Terras look very similar to humans and the only clear distinction between the two of them is that Terras have luminous blue or green eyes. They are also very beautiful since they are a reflection of Mother Nature herself. If you are playing as a human, you must be unaware of the Terras existence at the moment.

Here is the character sheet:

Name: (Terras have names too, they need them to fit in with the humans and identify each other, animals have first names only)
Species: (Terra, any land animal, or human)
Age: (Terras are very young since they were just created but appear to be young adults)
Gender: (you should be able to figure this one out)
Appearance: (anime picture or description)
Personality: (this is optional and can be developed throughout the roleplay)
Occupation: (for Terras you are either undercover or an assassin.. all undercover Terras also need a side job. Animals do not have occupations.. but you can put in that they are aiding the Terras)
Weapon: (Animals cannot have a weapon)
Other:(Additional information about your character)

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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
Ink Muse

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 10:31 pm

Name: Lillian (Lilli) Bellton
Species: Terra
Age: 8 months old, appears to be 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species NormalGreen0007Blue
Personality: Lilli is serious when it comes to her job, both as a vet and as a defender of Earth's creatures. She tries her best not to take for granted the opportunities that have been layed out for her, and fears falling into a human-like routine. Outside of work, Lilli is more of a free spirit, as nature has intended her to be. She spends a lot of her free time at a small plot of land just outside of the town she is living in. She enjoys the land because it has been untreated by humans for many years, and therefore feels natural. She is generally a kind, friendly person although she can be stubborn and loud if she disagrees with something. She struggles to find her place among humans because she doesn't want to get too familiar with them, so she spends most of her time alone. To a human, she might seem cold and lonely, but to animals and other Terras she is open and accepting.
Occupation: Undercover as a veterinarian's assistant at a small local zoo
Weapon: She always keeps a pocket knife in her back pocket for self defense purposes
Other: N/A, may be updated
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 10:47 pm

So, if I want to be an animal, what should I name her/him? I mean, should I just give them first names? And, could I make two animal characters?
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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 22, 2010 11:37 pm

You can make as many characters as you can handle! As for naming, animals should only have first names and you can name them anything you wish. All I ask is all animals are land animals because adding in aquatic animals would only complicate things.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:40 am

Name: Malia
Species: Elephant
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Appearance: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species No75
Personality: Malia can't stand how terrible the humans are, to her and everything else. They've created things to enslave, they've enslaved each other... That's why she acts out on a daily basis. She can't help but be violent with the oppressors of Earth, even when they're feeding her. After all, if it wasn't for them, she could be out feeding herself! She does fear becoming reliant on the humans though, like most animals in the zoo are. But her efforts are gone to vain considering the barriers left between her and the humans. Whenever she sees them though, she acts as if she's going to charge and impale them, earning the nickname Dracula, since he was inspired by Vlad the Impaler.
Occupation: Aiding Terras
Weapon: None
Other: Malia lived originally in Africa, but was taken into captivity at about the age of 4. Ever since arriving at her small zoo, she's been dreaming of escape and return to her real home.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 12:40 pm

Name: Amelia Wineheart

Species: Terra

Age: 10 monthes but appears 18

Gender: Female

Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species Sexyandsweetgirl

Personality: Amelia is usually very friendly toward others and smiles very oftenly, due to her not truely having a problem with her job or what she has to do. She sometimes snaps at people but it does not happen often.

Occupation: Full Time Assassin

Weapon: Duel edged Katana

Other: At times Amelia can be very emotional or get attached to people easily, this slowly changes about her after some time and she begins to distance herself from people she's known longer. This process usually takes about a week or so of meeting her. She often stays outdoors, roller blading in the park or through the streets, though her skates are silent no matter her speed. Thus gaining the nickname "Little Slugger" because of a cartoon she saw where a boy would skate around killing people with a golden bat.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 23, 2010 6:08 pm

Name: Augusten Burroughs

Species: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species Anime-boy--large-msg-119479397947

Personality: Will be developed throughout the roleplay, since his true personality is masked underneath a cold exterior.

Occupation: Specnaz (Russian elite soldier, better than even the American Green Berets)

Weapon: AK74 Carbine

Other: He was on an airplane back to Russia from a mission in the UK, but it was hijacked! One of his comrades was a spy, but to who he has no clue... He's pretty sure his team is going to he held hostage or tortured for military information, but he's not about to let that happen.
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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 25, 2010 3:04 pm

Lady, my only problem with your character is that Terras are supposed to have blue or green eyes. Other than that... I'd like to begin this roleplay, more people can join in later. Firstly, some facts about Terras:

- They tend to have long, slender legs which help them run faster
- When running, their average speed is about 1 mile per 4 minutes
- They are physically stronger than the average human
- They are able to reproduce, but their gestation periods are 15 months instead of the usual 9 months
- They communicate with animals and other Terras through a Latin-like language that is considered the "first" language of the Earth, but they also can speak human languages
- They heal faster than most humans do

With that said, lets begin.


Lilli worked quickly and quietly over the unconscious body of a female lion. First, she cleaned out the wound on her left leg, which had been caught on the wire along the side of her habitat, then she wrapped the wound tightly with gauze. When she had finished, she sighed and stepped back to observe her handiwork. Lilli was surprisingly good at what she did, despite the fact that it was only a side job. She sighed and stroked the lion's side softly, frowning at her hurt paw. This poor creature wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for humans.. she would be out in the wild. Maybe she would still get injured, but at least it would be by natural means and not because of the wire fence that kept her caged in so humans could gawk at her. If she had to be honest, Lilli hated her job.. she hated being so close to animals trapped behind bars and not being able to set them free.. but she also enjoyed talking to the animals when there was nobody else around, hearing about their lives and promising them that someday they could get back to them. If she had the choice, Lilli would free all the animals in the zoo right now. But it was too soon to make a move like that. If she saved these animals right now, the humans would notice something wrong and she risked exposing the Terras. Soon, Lilli, soon... she thought to herself as her boss entered the room.

Lilli's boss was an average looking human with short brown hair and dark eyes. He was about middle aged and wore a wedding band. "Oh good work Ms. Meyerhardt, you really have talent." He said, observing Lilli's stitching job. Lilli shrugged, "it was just a simple stitching job." She said quietly, forcing a smile at the human. Lilli moved to the sink at the other end of the room to wash her hands as two caretakers entered the office and lifted the lion carefully off the work table onto a table with wheels. The lion was to be taken to a healing facility until she could walk again.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 10:21 am

Listening to her music as her skated cause her to glide down the streets, she turned and coiled her leaged in ways to help her body swerve pass the massive amounts of people in her way. Can you folks move slower? Goodness.. she thought as she began to pick up speed, not knowing truely where she wished to go, merely knowing that this was her one time of freedom until her next mission. She moved faster and faster, gaining speed quickly as she got off of the curb of the sidewalk and into the seemingly empty tarred street. She moved quickly and down a large hill. letting gravity do the work and bring her down to the end of the street. She then turne dher ankles to the left, making a quick stop as she noticed where she was, infront of the zoo. She moved toward the zoo, skating silently as usuall as she made her way. "I guess I could take a look around.. I wonder how the animals are doing today... Hope they all missed me.." she said to herself as she walked to the ticket booth and paid the fee.

She began skating down the narrow path that led to the first group of animals, the mammal. Her first stop was the lions then the cheetahs. She moved to the edge of the Lion habitat and stayed there, looking out to her frriends as she smiled, her lips moving slowly as she spoke softly in what was known as the first language on earth. She then stopped as she was told what had happened to one of the lions, she immediately found out where he was being taken and skated off in the direction, thinking of checking on the lion then saying hello to all of her animal friends.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 5:00 pm

Across the zoo-yard, a distant trumpet can be heard. That is, of course, Malia, the zoo's top mischief-money maker. Or so she's heard, "eavesdropping" on the humans' conversations. Though, she couldn't really consider it eavesdropping if they didn't know that she can understand them... But that's not of importance right now. Rather, that loud noise means something. It means that Malia just started another fight. That's right, another one. And again, it's with the poor sap who's trying to check Malia's temperature, and sticking a thermometer up her ass just won't fly. Making another flurry of trumpet noises, at least to human ears, Malia goes on a rampage. How dare they think that they can get away with violating her like that?! It's bad enough that she's in a cage--that's what she's really saying. Now, they better run before she impales them with her fully grown tusks. Or stomps on them. Or runs them over... It all depends on what she feels like doing. As of right now, impaling sounds about right.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 5:15 pm

Augusten sighs as the loud speaker goes off. Yeah, yeah, the plane's been taken over... We know already... He sighs again, What a drag... Letting his breath out in small spats of clouded air, grateful that the windows are open and the airplane isn't stuffy anymore, even if it's cold. Cold, now that he's use to. "Where are we going?" Augusten asks, letting the question hang in the air for a minute, then fade away like the chatter had, once the plane was taken. Oh, that's right, we're not suppose to talk. Augusten remembers. But, when nothing happens to him, a smirk of triumph sneaks onto his face. If that rule if fake, what else is? He ponders, this time keeping his question to himself. Maybe Snake didn't really take over, maybe she's bluffing. Maybe, there are no bombs on this plane, ready to explode at the push of her button. Maybe the pilot really is dead... Not that it matters, I have to assume that it's all real. Looking from the floor to the steel doors, enclosing him and his real comrades in that one room, and the guard at the door, Augusten now sees an opportunity. "Hey, mister American, can I go to the bathroom?" Augusten asks with a thick, Russian accent, one that he doesn't normally have.

Last edited by Adorkable Duckie on Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 5:41 pm

(Glad people are posting, but since it's going to get confusing.. would you all mind staying in the past tense?)

After washing her hands thoroughly, Lilli left the office through the back exit and found herself near the monkey cages. Sensing her presence, the monkeys stopped what they were doing and lifted their heads to meet Lilli's gaze. She smiled and winked at the monkeys, who were being gawked at by young, screaming, human children. Strange how the humans don't even take notice when the monkeys behave this way... she thought as she stood at the back exit, the monkeys' eyes still on her. Lilli smirked, and shook her head, of course they wouldn't notice.. they were far too naive. Suddenly, a loud protest sounded from the distance, catching Lilli's ears. "Malia.." she said softly out loud, frowning. That elephant had a lot of fight in her, and Lilli respected her deeply for that, but she always worried that one day her stubbornness would get her into trouble with the humans and that Lilli wouldn't be able to stop them. Following the sound of Malia's voice, and just being aware of the zoo's layout, Lilli found the elephant exhibit rather quickly and pushed her way through the gate. "Ms. Meyerhardt! Please be careful!" shouted one of the zookeepers as they saw her carelessly run into the exihibit. Lilli laughed to herself, when it came to their own kind humans were very concerned, but when it came to violating an innocent animal.. they couldn't care less. "Give me that thermometer" Lilli ordered one of the zookeepers bluntly. He looked at her with confused eyes, wondering how on Earth a 17 year old girl could handle what they couldn't. Lilli smirked, taking the thermometer right out of his hand and approaching Malia with a smile. "I won't hurt you, I promise. I can take your temperature through your ear if you allow me." Lilli whispered to Malia in the native language. She signaled for the elephant to lower her head so she could take her temperature in a more decent way.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 6:58 pm

She stopped mid glide, twirling around a local woman and her child, avoiding a collision with them when she heard the loud yell from the elephants. Merely shaking her head, Amelia began skating toward the sound. Who on earth would cause a beautiful creature to start a fuss in the middle of the day? Must humans be so rude to nature's delicate beasts? she thought as she began skating toward the sound of the elephant. Soon the sound seemed to quieten, thus confusing Amelia slightly. She shook off her confusion and continued to skate, her movements were swift and graceful as she moved past the large groups of people. She received rude comments as she did so past of incompetent young men. She ignored their hollers and continued her way to the elephant cage.

Once she got there she realized why the elephant who's cage said Malia, stopped her protest. There was no longer someone trying to violate her, but instead taking temperature through her ear. This slightly confused Amelia once again but instead she looked at Malia and spoke to her in the native tongue. "You are okay now.. Right?" She said as she tilted her head, looking at the gentle giant.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 9:52 pm

(I'm not exactly sure how this is working... So, two people are talking at once?)

The man stares at him confused. Obviously he doesn't speak English. Augusten tries many other languages--Russian, German, Italian... The man doesn't acknowledge any of them. Maybe he's just ignoring me, Augusten reasons. Getting bored with this game of charades, Augusten decides to try and step past the man. Of course, this doesn't go over well. Charging at him, Augusten smirks. This guy really is just a hired good. He sidesteps the attack and the man hits a wall. Rolling his eyes, Augusten continues to the next room.
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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 10:44 pm

(Lady just kinda jumped in there.. xD I approached you, so you can answer me first and then direct your attention to her if you want)
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 11:03 pm

(Sounds good)

Chasing the zookeeper out of her cage, Malia felt triumph over the stupid humans. "Afraid of a "mere elephant" I see. You humans aren't all you're cracked up to be," she announced. But, when Lili entered the cage, Malia backed up, which was very unlike her, normally the upfront type. She could feel that Lili wasn't regular. Hearing the native tongue spoken, she knew she was right and automatically relaxed. Smiling as only an elephant could, Malia's rage stopped in its track. Impaling could wait for another day. Malia crossed the enclosure to where Lili stood with the thermometer. Bowing her head when Lili gestured, Malia's eyes scanned Lili, grateful that the girl is taking her temperature in her ear, even if it's still just an annoying part of the human world.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 11:12 pm

(I ish sowwy owo)
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Ink Muse
Typing Frenzy
Typing Frenzy
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 11:13 pm

Lilli carefully placed the thermometer directly in Malia's ear and took her temperature, reading the number when she finished. "Looks normal to me." She said out loud in English cheerfully. "Thank you, Malia." She said in the native tongue into the elephant's ear. "If these humans ever give you trouble again, just let me know." She added in a completely serious tone. Lilli couldn't stand the fact that humans locked up animals the way they did just for their own amusement. And usually, if they weren't locked behind bars, they became food or clothing. It was so cruel. Lilli patted Malia lightly on the head and backed away slowly so that she could raise her head again. She then turned to the stunned zookeepers and announced "Malia doesn't like her temperature taken from her butt, if you take it from her ear I'm sure she'll give you a lot less trouble, that is if you're nice about it." With that said, Lilli placed the thermometer back in the zookeeper's hands and walked out of the exhibit, smiling and winking at Malia.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 11:19 pm

Amelia watched the girl that left the cage then looked up at the elephant known as Malia, a kind smile on her lips as her hands placed on her waist, she shook her head a bit as she laughed. "Not everyday you seen an elephant get pissy at a human.. Always the other way around." She said to herself then leaned toward Malia's cage, holding out her hand and repeating her question, realizing Malia was paying her no mind before. "Hey.. Are you alright there, Malia?" Amelia said with a kind tone as she spoke in the native language. Her hand was extended as a way to show greeting to the large graceful animal before her. As she leaned forward though, Amelia's skates slipped out from below her, causing her to fall forward as she let out a loud cry while extending her other hand to grab a trash can. In the process it fell on top of her, causing her to scream. "OW! DAMN IT!" Could be heard throughout the zoo, causing a moment of silence then chatter continued among the animals and humans.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 27, 2010 11:25 pm

"How about you, are you alright?" Malia asked, extending her trunk to help the girl up. This, of course, gained a moment of awe from the zookeepers. Malia chuckled as only elephants could, their reaction having been priceless. I guess they don't know me as well as they think they do, Malia thought, wondering how they felt while she let Lili take her temperature, or even just now. But, then again, she also didn't want to know. After all, why would she want to know how the humans felt? Not that their condition is entirely their fault, but rather also the fault of their ancestors.
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Lady Lullaby
Lady Lullaby

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 1:15 am

She laughed lightly as she held onto the trunk ever so gently and got back onto her feet, or better said, her wheels. She smiled at her helping hand, Malia in a grateful manor. "Thank you very much for that. I'm fine now." She said softly in the native language so that the humans couldn't hear as she laughed, rubbing the back of her head gently, a faint blush on her cheeks from her embarrassment. "I'll catch you later, I have a friend to check up on. Thanks again." and with that said, Amelia skated off in a hurry to where she was told her lion friend was being held for healing. Her speed picked up as her orange hair flowed behind her. Her bright green eyes seeming yo leave streaks of light where she had previously been, like car lights at night.
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Adorkable Duckie
Adorkable Duckie

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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 1:49 am

Malia sighed. Back to confinement I go, she thought, not noticing anything else of interest around her. Letting out a short trumpet to please the crowd of idiotic humans, Malia retreated as far back as she could in her habitat. That stupid little habitat.
Taking his chance, Augusten ran out of the steel door, motioning for his team to follow. Moments like these were just more reasons why he was picked as the captain of his squad. They swarmed about the plane, Augusten being the first to make it to the cockpit. That's where he saw the most terrifying scene--a dead pilot and traitor, both of whom having known how to fly an airplane. Staying as calm as he's been trained to, which is pretty calm, Augusten turned on the loudspeaker and spoke, asking, "Does anyone here know how to fly a plane?"
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PostSubject: Re: Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species   Earth's Revolution - Birth of A New Species I_icon_minitime

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